No matter what industry you’re in or the size of your organisation, fast broadband speeds and reliability are a must. If your business struggles with guaranteed uptime and high-speed connectivity, then a dedicated fibre-optic line is the best choice for you and your organisation.

Not familiar with fibre optic lines? No problem!

In this blog article, you’ll learn exactly what fibre optic leased lines are, how they work, and why your business needs them. Let’s begin!


What are fibre optic leased lines?


Fibre optic leased lines are a dedicated, fixed-bandwidth data connection that is directly connected from your business premises to your internet service provider (ISP). Since the fibre optic line is leased, the connection is rented from the ISP, resulting in a service above and beyond what standard broadband connections can provide.

Designed for long-distance, high-performing data networking, fibre-optic cables are made up of strains of glass fibres only slightly thicker than a human hair inside an insulated casing. In comparison to wired cables, fibre-optic cables provide higher bandwidth and can transmit data over longer distances.


How do they work?


Fibre-optic lines work by sending pulses of light down a fibre optic cable. When sending data down a fibre-optic cable, the equipment on the other end determines whether the light is on or off. It will then recognise the data, record and store it.

Fibre optic connections are insanely fast with scalable speeds up to 10 gigabits per second. They can send data at the speed of light — literally!


Does my business need fibre optic lines?


We might be biased here, but our answer is yes!

Most businesses are familiar with broadband delivered via a copper telephone line, but far too often, this is slow, unreliable and can go offline without warning.

If you want uncontended connections with no bandwidth sharing, guaranteed performance at all times, symmetrical upload and download speeds, and an ultra-fast, ultra-reliable internet experience, your organisation should consider fibre optic leased lines.

In fact, more and more businesses are switching from broadband to a dedicated leased line.

The benefits of a dedicated leased line include:

  • Consistency and scalability
  • Cost-saving
  • Customer satisfaction


Additionally, if you have remote staff or require guaranteed connectivity, a leased line is your best option. Leased lines support remote working so that your data can be accessed securely at any time, day or night.

When searching for fibre optic leased lines in the UK, look no further than Nxcoms! Our experience and expertise in telecoms means we understand how critical the internet is to your business. Not only do we offer competitive pricing — amongst the lowest in the UK — but we also provide the Nxcoms service promise, meaning we offer the ultimate internet connectivity, backed up by our unrivaled expertise and a personal, hands-on approach.

We are confident in our service promise. If we don’t deliver what we promise, you won’t be charged for it!

If you want to ensure your business stays competitive with the quickest, most consistent and most reliable internet connection with fibre optic leased lines, then contact us by phone call, email, or even text!



Key takeaways:
  • Fibre optic leased lines are a dedicated, fixed-bandwidth data connection that is directly connected from your business premises to your internet service provider.
  • Fibre optic leased lines are insanely fast with scalable speeds up to 10 gigabits per second.
  • If your business struggles with guaranteed uptime and high-speed connectivity, then a dedicated fibre optic leased connection line is the best choice for you and your organisation.
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